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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner) Minutes
Regular Meeting – June 7, 2011 5:00 pm
Newtown Municipal Center (Meeting Room #1)
3 Primrose Street, Newtown CT

Members Present:  First Selectman E. Patricia Llodra; Warden Scott Semple, Garner Correctional Facility; Deputy Warden Henry (Hank) Falcone, Garner Correctional Facility; Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows; Stephen Sedensky, State’s Attorney; Joy Previdi; and Gino Faiella, School System Representative.  Not Present:  Michael Kehoe, Kevin Cragin, and Mike Kelley

First Selectmen Llodra convened the meeting at 5:00 p.m.

Approval of Minutes – Atty. Sedensky motioned to approve the minutes of March 1, 2011.  Warden Semple seconded the motion.  The minutes were approved as written.  

Garner Correctional Facility Update

Warden Semple introduced Henry Falcone, the new Deputy Warden at Garner, (Operations).  He also noted that Amonda Hannah is the new Deputy Warden for Programs and Treatment.  She will attend a future meeting.  Warden Semple stated that the population of the facility is currently 596, which break down to 175 in general population (unsentenced); 187 that are accute Mental Health inmates (level 4 and 5) ; and 234 inmates with mental health ratings of 1, 2, or 3.

The facility coordinated sign-ups for the Everbridge System with Nunnawauk Meadows.  Although currently they are maintaining dual notification systems, there are plans to go solely with the Everbridge System.  Warden Semple said there will be fair notice given to the town and residents when this happens.  He will work in conjunction with town officials and a press release will be prepared.  An emergency drill was completed last month.  

Warden Semple explained that Garner is currently in negotiations for a contract to possibly accept Federal unsentenced prisoners into their facility.  When asked how many prisoners this may be, the Warden said possibly 85 to 90 prisoners.  Ms. Previdi shared concerns over the transportation of these prisoners.  Warden stated that armed Federal Marshals will handle all transports and that they will be handled with the same safety and security that is in place.  

Atty. Sedensky asked if this only affects Garner.  Warden Semple stated that Garner is not the only facility being considered for this contract.  Deputy Warden Falcone explained that there are three county jails (Bridgeport, New Haven, and Hartford) that house the Federal inmates.  It is not uncommon for federal prisoners to be moved into state facilities.

Ms. Llodra said she heard there may be a significant amount of prisoners released.  Warden Semple explained that they are waiting for the Governor’s signature.  The term they use is “Discretionary Earned Time” where there is a formula to apply to each prisoner.  There are many variables to consider and he said that other states do this and that Connecticut use to do this prior to 1994.  He could not elaborate further since he has not read the bill yet, but the goal is not to release violent offenders.  

Andy Gorosko from The Bee asked about the maximum security levels.  It was explained that Garner is a maximum security rating of four and reassured again that the Federal employees will handle the inmates.  

First Selectman Llodra said she received a memo notifying her office about the Everbridge System being presented at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting but has not received further information.  Warden Semple will follow up on this.  

Without further discussions, Mr. O’Byrne motioned to adjourn, which was seconded by Warden Semple.  The meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Tammy Hazen, Clerk.